Jack in the Box burger and fries
Several large bagels with lox + cream cheese
4-5 slices of pizza. Large
Iced cookies
Snickerdoodle cookies
Nestle Crunch mini Halloween bars. Many
Energy bars as supplement to breakfast every day
All you can eat sliders + spanish rice
Mitigating circumstances:
Crazy blackouts in my building that went on for over 24 hours, making cooking impossible
One of the worst colds I've had for years. Cue mantra 'stave a fever, feed a cold' playing on loop in my head
Although this has not been my proudest week, I can feel myself coming out of it. Luckily my cold only prevented me from running for a day or two and shouldn't hold me back from the 18 miler training run this weekend.
Although the temptation is to take this bad behavior and ride it out for as long as it can go, I'm starting to stabilize. The Halloween candy has thinned out and no longer haunts me. The power is back on and I'm all stocked up on healthy fruits and veg. Joe's sister is in town, so I'm pouring a lot of energy into cooking healthy meals for three. It's all starting to click back into place.
From now on, it's less of this

And more of this

Back on track, baby.
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