You can smile all your want, but this is not kosher. If I'm out of commission for my 16 mile training run this Saturday, I will not be impressed. HEAR ME?
With the pressure of the DVD lifted for at least a day, my hunger returned with a vengeance. My usual breakfast of Cheerios, berries and granola didn't quite tide me over, so I broke into my stash of the new kid on the block, cereal bar wise.
I'm a big fan of the Fiber One cereal for faux-frying, so was excited to try out an oats and caramel flavored bar. Took a bit of getting used to - it was a little dryer than I was expecting - but I'm totally prepared to give it another whirl later this week.
Lunch, on the other hand, was awesome.
Take one of my beloved Farmer's Market squash, all tidily chopped up:
Add a little brush of marinade:
And some booze (boozy kitchen = happy kitchen, right Rachel Ray?)
And pan fry in a little Pam for 5 minutes. Total yum. Add the last of the salad (must. food. shop. today), some sliced cherry tomatoes and a sandwich using some of Joe's prime rib leftovers from last night, and that's a pretty nifty lunch you've got yourself.
Later, I'm taking my sore hip back to the gym to get a feel for just how much I can still move. Ibuprofen seems to have taken a bit of the soreness away, but I want to make sure I'm still in shape for Saturday's training run with the LA Leggers.
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