Monday, October 26, 2009

The Recessionista

The best part about cooking a creative dinner is reusing the leftovers the next day. It makes me a) responsible and thrifty and b) in line for a nice slice of dinner deja vu instead of my usual salad.

The pork and mushroom were delicious cold for a big badass sandwich. Add in a little salad (with my favourite new ingredient, raspberries) and one of the leftover sweet potato skins, and it was a very filling lunch. I enjoyed it with a big cold glass of water and yesterday's episode of Mad Men.

After a round of the 30 Day Shred this morning, I headed to the gym a little early for my kickboxing class this afternoon and knocked out a quick 3 mile run and 30 minutes on the elliptical.

Time for a quick snack..

Then it was time to punch and kick imaginary bad guys in class. I don't tend to do too many group activities, with the exception of long runs with the LA Leggers, I'm a bit of a solitary creature when I'm working out, and prefer to sweat and gasp in private - but the class is an amazing workout. If I'm feeling tired or have overrun my miles for the week, I'll sometimes phone it in, but this week I made an effort and kept on my toes for the full hour. I still don't enjoy being in a crowded, sweaty room full of people, but it's definitely a boost to my weekly workout.

Came back tired and gross and dove into half a banana which Joe had left for me. Onwards to dinner!

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